Thank you for stopping by. I believe there is not one way to describe a picture. What we can see as individuals is the reflection of our experiences. Navigate and find yourself!

My name is Silver Cruz. My interest in photography started when I was 9 years old. My father gave me a new camera and I got really excited. Unfortunately, I didn't have the money to buy film, or the flash bulbs that it used, forget about developing the film and printing the pictures. However, it was not a problem for me to use the camera without film or without bulbs. I was happy just snapping pictures with it.
When I was about 14 years old, my mom got a new camera, which was much more sophisticated, and even included a flash. She didn't really use it, so I would take it whenever I noticed it was loaded with film. Most of the time out of a 36 exposure film, 1 and if lucky 2 pictures were worthwhile. I used that camera until the lens broke. Later my mom got another one and I was not allowed to use it. When I was 19, I got myself a Kodak Panoramic Advantix camera and played with until I got my first digital camera, a Sony Mavica. Time passed and I was given a Fuji Film camera that was it in between a Point and Shoot and DSRL. By this time I was getting more serious about photography and in 2009 with the help of my friend Jamie Lloyd I got a Nikon D90. She was my first reference to professional photography. A few weeks after getting the camera I met Becky Jaffe who became my mentor and teacher. She told me the first time we went out to photo shooting, "Use you settings in Manual. Learn to use your ISO, Apperture, Shooter Speed and White Balance." So I did. The result is here.
Most of this pictures were taken in Manual mode with Manual focus. There is not Photoshop involved in any of them beside the resizing and cropping of the images when needed. While I'm not against the use of Photoshop, I like to experiment by building and using material to affect the outcome of my pictures in the camera. Have you ever heard of the teleidoscope?
Picture by Diego Arana
Silver Cruz
silvercruz at comcast dot net
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